Today I received the most positive news a survivor of colon-rectal cancer can receive. Namely, my most recent CAT scan was entirely clear.. To say I feel blessed and a sense of spiritual renewal is only to touch the extent of my joy and appreciation. It has magnified my sense of gratitude and heightened my perception of the joys of life.
Yesterday for example I was able to go X-country skiing. Despite the less than stellar conditions, I was able to experience the terrain and river in a new way. It felt very similar to the joy that one experiences when a child is born .
I am thankful for the tremendous support I have received from my partner,family and friends who have been there for me in so many ways as I dealt with a period of my life when the results of the CAT scan where not at all certain.
Today,10 days after my Cat Scan, I called my oncologist who had previously given me his private cell number.He answered immediately and told me he would get back to me latter in the day after he had a chance to review my file. Not 30 seconds later I received a call from him confirming the CAT scan was clear. My response"Thank you for making my day: His response " You made my day."
I thanked him profusely for his professional and his most compassion care. It is Doctors like Dr.C.who are a credit to their profession.I feel blessed over the past 2 years to have been seen by highly competent surgeons,GI specialists and various oncologists all of whom have demonstrated a high degree of skill but perhaps equally as important a sense of compassion,empathy and kindness. I wiil forever be indebted to them.
Having just recently received this good news how did I sustain myself during this time of uncertainty.Firstly I learned to let go of control and have faith in a higher power. Whatever your personal beliefs or fundamental values it helps to cope when you acknowledge there is a plan for you. Thus in my case I did not believe that I had completed my life mission to help others.
Secondly, I reached out to others in my community and received a tremendous outpouring of love,emotional and spiritual support.In deciding ,to go public with my illness, I received encouragement,information and support that helped me understand the process and procedures I needed to cope with. My decision to work through my treatment was the right decision for me as it allowed me a sense of normalcy and structure . It also allowed me to cope by listening and helping others thereby distracting me from my issues.
Thirdly it is important to re-visit your life plans and to make new goals ,consistent with your values and limitations.Facing death, one quickly learns what and who is important to you.Put your energy into the people and issues that matter most to you.
I remain thankful and blessed to be able to continue my life mission to help and emotionally heal my clients.
G-d Bless
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