Psychologically what does retirement mean. A great deal depends upon your health, and what resources you have. Health issues, and financial constraints may severely limit your options. In my case, health issues dominant.
Psychologically one of the biggest challenges is to be able to give up control. Depending upon caregivers means abiding by their schedule. For example, my nurses come daily according to their schedule, not mine. Similarly I eat at designated times set by the residence.
Not being able to drive means depending on others or commercial options such as a taxicab or uber.
My limited mobility. deteriorating health and lower energy represents to me a further loss of control.
Psychologically I know I am in the last stages of my life .Feeling this ever day, ever moment becomes especially precious.
Currently I reside in a luxury retirement home which has all the amenities including excellent cuisine, first class programing, and sophisticated and a well educated clientele.
As my new permanent home it has been quite an adjustment for me.Despite being luxurious it is very much institualized. Meals are served at a set hour,seniors seat at their usual tables with their chosen seatmates.
Given these circumstances, my attempt to integrate was no easy task.I have attempted to do so by maintaining an open non judgemental attitude, friendly to all. For the most part this has allowed me to integrate successfully.Although I partake in a limited number of activities, namely bridge and painting lessons I have the opportunity to attend many more.
Although I have integrated well, I need to be cognizant that I am living in a for profit business and that little expenses add laundry, parking and the communication plan.
I have established an operational budget and for the most part it is working. I am well aware should my health deteriorate further I will incur further expenses.
Retirement living has it's pros and cons. Security, safety and health issues,represent positive feature of retirement homes. I find access to my call bell brings a sense of security and well being.An important aspect of retirements homes is the opportunity to socialize, to meet new people, all of whom have extensive life experiences.
Presently I remain content with my retirement living arrangements although I must admit that visits from family and friends adds a much needed dimension. Thank you all for your support and love as I navigate this new stage of my life,