Friday, June 21, 2024


 Officially retired 2 weeks I now know I made the right decision. This week has been filled with a multitude of medical incidents including a 30 hour stay in the ER at both sites of the Ottawa Hospital.

 I also learned as a result of non-treatment for over 5 months that my cancer has advanced significantly.

 Currently I am waiting for the results of a CAT Scan to decide whether to proceed with chemotherapy despite having 2 open wounds. Those results are known now and on the recommendation of my oncologist I have decided not to restart chemotherapy.

 In recalculating my retirement plans I don't have the time to complete a second book, instead I will attempt  to blog on a regular basis.d

 In addition I need to decide where my permanent residency will be. I realize I am too ill to return home and my only choice is a senior resident. That too has been decided. I move to my new retirement home this coming Wednesday.

Life is precious, I have a limited time to remain fully functional. I aim to use each day, each minute wisely.

 Retirement means re-aligning your priorities with the situation you face. In my case health issues take priority and I must reduce my expectations accordingly.

 Retirement for me means writing, reading and being in touch with my family and friends. I intend to attend lectures, play bridge, and continue to blog on a regular basis. 

Thank you to my friends,family and ex-clients who have been most supportive during this most difficult time in my life. 

G-D Bless




Friday, May 10, 2024



 "To everything there is a season and a time to ever purpose under the heaven." 

There is a time for everything. Now is the time for me to retire after 52 years of service. It has been a pleasure and a priviledge to have served as your psychologist. 

My health has deteriorated somewhat and I can no longer be available to you as needed. 

I intend to formally retire May31. In the interim I am available to see you until MAy31. 

Many thanks for this wonderful journey of 52 years..


Saturday, March 30, 2024


 Recently I had a screening, CAT Scan, Bone Scan, and MRI ,where I learned that my cancer had not metastasized  to the liver. Chemotherapy, while hard on my body, has proven to be  highly effective.

 At this time the plan is to stop chemotherapy to give my body a chance to recover and to monitor me closely by scanning me on a regular basis. Neuropathy in both my fingers and feet has been particularly problematic. 

Despite these side effects and with the help of two blood transfusions, I have more energy. Indeed for the first time  in 7 months I have begun to see friends in person.

 I plan to continue practicing my craft, albeit on Zoom, as long as my health continues to improve.

 As my energy increases and my side effects are reduced I am hopeful of travelling to the west coast to see my family.

 It takes a village to deal with cancer. I am grateful for the excellent medical care I have received. In addition I appreciate immensely the support I have received from my family and friends. I especially feel blessed by the support I have received from my clients.

 Thank You.

 G-d Bless.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 After a recent CAT and Bone Scan I learned that my chemotherapy treatment has been effective in reducing the tumors. However as I have stage 4 cancer I will need chemotherapy for the rest of my life. The challenge is finding the balance when to have treatment and the need to have a recovery period of time. Essentially it is a quality of life issue that will need to be closely monitored.  

As I am now aware that time is limited, I intend to use it to see people and activities I really care about. This includes offering psychotherapy to my clients as long  as my health permits.

Thank you for your support and love.
