2023 was a tough year, highlighted by the return of my cancer and chemotherapy treatment. Earlier in the year I was able to travel to Toronto and Winnipeg.my first out of town trips since March/2020.
At present I am limited in my travels because of my chemotherapy treatments. Following completion of my treatments I am hopeful I will be strong enough to travel to Vancouver and Victoria to see my grandchildren.
Having completed 9 chemotherapy session, because of intense side effects I have had to take a prolonged break from my chemotherapy treatments. On the positive side treatments seems to be effective, A CAT scan and a BONE SCAN will be done to verify this information.
During 2023 I was blessed with several visits from my children and grandchildren. In addition I was able to continue to practice my craft for 52 years, albeit by zoom
During my illness I have received incredible support from my partner, family, friends, and especially my clients. I feel profoundly blessed and can not express enough appreciation for those blessings.
I am hopeful 2024 will allow me to return to good health, and enable me to continue to practice, and travel and explore this beautiful world.
Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year. Once again, thank you for your continues support during this difficult period of my life.
G-d bless